Good Health Is Wealth

If I had the option to choice between wealth and health, I will choose health.

Many will agreed with me here. But certainly some will not.

Health is wealth indeed. With good health, one has a strong body in which to go for and make wealth.

It is with a sound healthy mind and body that one can brainstorm and create all the natural resources one can imagine.

With this thinking, we need a good healthy foods,that is well prepared to sustain the body.

Not only this, but vigorous to moderate exercise that induced breathing and blood flow to carry oxygen and dissolved food nutrients in the blood stream all over the body.

Good health is wealth indeed.

Miebakagh Fiberesima

Thursday, 6 August 2015

Drink Green Tea To Lose Weight And Stay Fit

The bottom line

Tea is a basic beverage in all civilized culture. It can be consume any time day or night, especially in the early mornings. 

But why drink green tea?  A cup or two of warm green tea can keep you more alert and in a better mood than most alcoholic beverages. 

It is also taken as a refreshing and a relaxing drink any time. One to five cups of green tea is usually recommended by health authorities a day. 

Drinking tea green regularly is sure to prevent some cancer risks, high blood pressure, headache, diabetes mellitus and sleeping disorders.

Green tea has flavonoid and catechin, that helps destroy diseases and germs in the body.

Any tea is made from the leaves of the Camellia Sinensis plant. Some tea grades or brands includes the flowers, roots and buds including 10-15% long leaf. 

This gives thea a special flavor and aroma.

Again, why drink green tea? There are other black or Oolong teas with some health benefits. But why the Japanese green tea?

 What is unique about this oriental beverage? The days that anything herbal should be exclude from westernized institutions has gone. 

Green tea benefits weight loss and reduction. Can this be true? I and you who drink the best green tea can put on a little weight here and there.

But control study has shown that Yame tea can actual help you lose weight. How far the claim is has a “mixed” result. 

Scientists are still doing more research in this respect. The well known Mayo Clinic however, in its study of the issue has opined that this mixed result is “little to no benefit.” In other word, it can help reduce weight in certain persons, whereas it proves negative in other individuals. It is only in over weight persons that a more positive result is achieved.

However, the goal to lose weight in a moderate or average fat person can be achieved provide that:

·         Green tea is drink regularly especially in the morning before breakfast on an empty stomach.

·         A piece of fresh lime is added to the drink.

·         The last cup is taken in the evening before going to bed.

·         It is taken as a refreshing drink with a cup of cucumber when one is tasty instead of water as it has no energy value.

·         Real green tea extract is taken along with breakfast or lunch.

·         Three to five cups per day is drunk and no more.

·         It is taken for at least four weeks depending on your body mass index until a change is noticed.

If you plan to reduce your weight on the basis of these facts, please see your doctor because some drugs can interfere with green tea and cause serious side effects. 

The ginger root can be added to thea but if you experience unusually discomfort stop.

I had notice an extreme fat person lost weight by just drinking this beverage. I maintain my weigh by drinking same regularly.

There are many studies that agreed that taking tea regularly helps much in reducing weight. Much is still going on to find out more facts. The reason is that scientists at present do not know much as to how this comes about.

However, it can be safely assumed that since green tea has no energy value, plus the fact that a low calorie meal or fruits like a cucumber or water melon goes with it for breakfast or lunch do not matter in weight gain.

The Many Benefits Green Tea Offers

Green tea is a pure natural beverage. It has many benefits to offer. This article is not the place to go into all these benefits. It will be good to pin-point the most important gains or long time wonders of this oriental herb.

1.      General bodily health: The existence of bioactive compounds in green tea tends to improved general bodily health. These bioactive elements contain excellent amount of vital nutrients for the proper functioning of the body. We have on the onset of this article mention the flavonoids and the catechins These are very powerful anti oxidants that destroy the free radicals in our body. At the same time, it protects body cells and molecules, kills disease and delays the onset of aging. 

This is all the more reason why you should drink a cup of this liquid daily either alone or with a balanced meal. 

Another very powerful compound Epigallocatechin-3-Gallate (EGCG) in the tea heals disease in the body. The antioxides has preventive effects on cancer cells. 

When the free radicals run loose, they cause the growth of cancer. Cancer is one of the major causes of death in the world. A cancer cell multiplies rapidly. It affects both men and women. Children are not excluded in certain cases. Drink it regularly and you reduce your risk of developing certain cancer.

2.      Improved brain functions: All teas have some caffeine. The more caffeine a tea has, the more it stimulates the brain for a response and this can be jittery in extreme cases. 

The good news is that green tea has less of the caffeine in a tea! In a 1 g of tea the caffeine is half to that in a cup of black tea. This produces a mild stimulation of the brain to improve mood and vigilance. 

In addition, green tea has an amino acid called L-theanine, which works in synergy with dopamine, another powerful ingredient to improve the function of the brain. This action has a long time effect in that it is carried into old age. 

Thus, persons who continue to drink this elixir beverage maintain their brains bright into old age. Parkinson and Alzheimer’s diseases are unheard of in such drinkers.

3.      Reduction of cardiovascular disease: Cardiovascular Diseases (CVD )is one on the many illness green tea battled against. CVD includes stroke and heart disease; and is one of the biggest killer diseases in the whole world. 

Drinking green tea will lower the risks associated with CVD. The antioxidants in the green tea has a function of protecting the cholesterol and triglycerides from oxidation. This is another long time goodness that benefits elder persons into old age.

4.      Type 2 diabete mellitus: some years ago, a research was done with some Japanese adults. These adults drink at least six cups of the tea each day. It was observed that the risk to develop type 2 diabetes was 33% lower for these adults who drink the tea, especially women.

5.      Misceleaous health benefits:

·         Prevents genital warts.

·         Preventing dizzleness in older persons up standing for long time.

·         Prevents bladder, esophageal, ovarian and pancreatic cancer in women.

·         Low blood pressure in old age after eating.

·         Maintain low level of cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood.

·         Retard the development of Human Papilome Virus (HPV) cells of the cervix in women.

With the exception of type 1 diabetes, I have not experienced any of any of the illness above. I was a grammar school boy when I first experienced what diabetes mellitus is and I use green or unripe mangoes as a therapy and healing antitode. 

I have a published hub on that story online with HubPages. I do not know they is ever such a product as green tea for I was brought up in a family that is addict to black and red tea and coffee. 

Nevertheless, my first experience till date with this oriental beverage is paying off in good health.

The first lady I introduced this herb to is very fat and hypertensive. Her continue use of this elixir has enable her overcome all excessive fat, lower her blood pressure and trim her figure.


Water is not a beverage. But is a most drunk liquid in the world. Next is tea, a natural beverage.  The intrusion of tea from the orient into western civilization made tea famous all over the world. 

EGCG is now drunk in all culture. EGCG initially command a higher price than the average person can afford. The low priced grades made it now a nice, refreshing drink for all.

Although people still drink coffee, drinking of tea has superseded coffee. This is the good news. 

People drink tea all over the world primarily for its therapy value and health benefit, especially mental alertness. 

There is no person in my house hold that did not drink best green tea. Exception should be those who have not know the beverage. I was once in such a situation until some five years ago that I got my pack of this green elixir. Introduce it and you will wonder how crazy the people take a liking for the drink.

Taking the USA as an example, 160 Americans drink tea a day.  China is still home to the most consumer of tea than the rest of the world because these are traditional tea drinking society. But as per person, Turkey takes the lead followed by Ireland and the United Kingdom. That Turkey drinks the most tea in the world is still disputed by some authorities. Yet, Turkey is listed currently in numerous websites as a nation that drinks the most tea in the world.

 Flavonoid In Nature And Green Tea

Flavonoids are a complex chemical compounds or plant pigments that gives plants and fruits its many various orange, red, pinkish, yellow colors. 

Flavonoids are first called vitamin P but go out of use in the 1950’s. Flavonoids are found in many plants and fruits. It protects blood vessels from rapture and enhanced vitamin C intake in the body. 

Hence, it helps protect the body against injury and cold infections. Additionally, flavonoid, further protects cells from oxidation and inflation of the body cells. 

Practically, all plants and fruits has flavonoids. So they are found in berries, onions, tomatoes, oranges, tangerines, Flavonoids in green tea is higher in value than black , Oolong, red tea and all fruits and vegetables and beverages. This is what makes green tea unique and in a class of its own.

Chinese And Japanese Green Tea

Green tea originate in China. From there it was introduce into Japan. Chinese and Japanese green teas are both popular in all tea drinking cultures. Depending on characteristics, Chinese green tea seems to be more favored due to its high flavonoid content.

Caffeine green tea is used to treat illness or disease. Some have claim it reduce blood pressure and the blood sugar level in the blood stream. Some drink it to be mentally alert and improved the memory. 

Did you drink it for only its health benefit? Have you drink it to threat a headache? Why do you drink Yame green tea? Is it for cold or cough? What type of treatment do you prefer say, for fever? Is it medical or herbal using Yame? What is your experience like and what is your approach to it?

 I like to keep my blood pressure constant, so I drink it three times in the week early in the morning.  Again, my blood sugar needs to be under control. A cup is all that I need.

 Why Green Tea Is Important

Japanese green tea is getting more important nowadays. It was solely treated as an oriental drink; whereas, black tea is a westernized beverage like coffee.  One usually takes a cup of this bitter drink without sugar or milk. 

This released much of its medicinal and healing properties into the body. Green tea is now the subject of “raw material for extracts used in various beverages, health foods, dietary supplements, and cosmetic items” that is being subjected to numerous scientific and material studies in determining the extent of its long-purport-health benefits.  

It is significant to note that the most essential factor in the green tea complex is its flavonoid content.

 How Green Tea With Fresh Fruits And Green Leafy Vegetables Helps You Reduce Weight 

Water is not a beverage, but is consider as food by some authority. A Cup of cold water has no energy. It can be employed in reducing weigh of a person. 

They are certain class of beverages that has no calories at all but are okay when used in conjunction with certain fruits and vegetables that have low calorie. Green tea is one of those.

Drinking plenty water along with your meals ensured less of the food is consumed. And hence, the energy value of the food intake is low. This principle can be use in the case of green tea. The only utility that water has for the human body is the dissolution of waste matters and flushing out same from the body. This is its primary function. 

The other is solution and absorbing food nutrient into the blood stream. If plain pure water aid in weight loss, best green tea with all its nutritional value is much better. I can show how here.

Some fresh foods like carrots, cucumbers, fresh tomatoes, water melons and limes have very low calories. 

This also means they are low in Glycemic Index (GI) and Glycemic load (GL) respectively. The fruits mention above has a GI of between 1 and 50. Vegetables like onions and are also low in GI and GL.

All said, we have to take a meal that is well balanced. Otherwise serious health issues will result.

Fresh Fish Green Tea Fresh Fruits And Fresh Vegetables

A simple meal consisting of fresh fruits, fresh vegetable, fresh fish and nuts will make a balanced meal for the purpose. We had already made a cup of the tea. Let’s make our meal period. But note that any simple meal can be made to fulfill our aim, provide you choice your ingredient from the various food groups.


·         Fresh tomatoes ¼ cup.
·         Cucumber 1 cup.
·         Onion 1/2 cup.
·         Green chili 1 piece.
·         Red chili 1 piece.
·         Garlic 1 lobe.
·         Dry ginger ½ teaspoon.
·         Dry chili ¼ teaspoon.
·         Dry peanuts 8 g.
·         Fresh sardines and mullets 10g.
·         A pinch of salt.
·         Peanut oil 20 ml.


·         Make one cup of green tea as usual.
·         Prepared the fish or use can subt.
·         Chop onion, tomatoes, cucumber, chili, garlic and vegetable.
·         Put all this in a clean bowl.
·         Wash and clean frying pan.
·         Turn on cooker.
·         Put frying pan on heat.
·         Put oil in pan.
·         Put peanuts in frying pan and stir for two minutes.
·         Put the chopped onions, garlic and chilis, etc and stir for one minute.
·         Add salt, ginger and red chili powder and stir again for one minute.
·         Put in the fish and vegetable. Stir thoroughly again for one minute. It is done and removed from heat.
·         Serves one person.
Such a nice small diet taken with one or two cup of green tea can lower weight for a person.

Top Facts

·         Green tea is the best of all tea brands.
·         The main food and health ingredient in green tea is its abundant flavonoid content.
·         It is an excellent beverage for the treatment of illness and can be consume to prevent disease.
·         Tea originates during the Shang Dynasty in China.
·         Emperor Shennong 2737 BC is the founder and father of tea drinkers.
·         Green tea has a higher flavvonoid content than any other teas.
·         Flavonoids are abundant in nature, especially in green tea. It protects cells and body tissues.
·         Chinese green tea is most popular than Japanese green tea.
·         It is subject to debate for and against green tea to lower a person weigh.
·         Green tea is best taken without sugar and milk. But citrus fruits like lime and lemon, and certain green leafy vegetables such as mint can be add to the drink to enhance the flavor.
·         Its extracts are widely used in research and industries as raw materials in dietary supplements, beverages, health foods, cosmetic, etc that is still being subject to much scientific and material tests.
·         The high grade tea costs more than the low grade ones.

 Summary Of Key Facts

·         Tea is the most drink liquid next to water.

·         Green tea has many therapy uses and healing benefits like treating high blood pressure, reducing sugars in the blood stream; it benefit mental alertness and mood, improved the memory and thinking; and prevent Parkinson and alzhemer disease, especially in old age.

·         Regular drinking of green tea will prevent and destroy certain cancer cells in the body.

·         Japanese green tea is not a sole remedy for good health. Other ways to keep the body in sharp including regular exercise three times in the week, a good balanced meal, sleep, relaxation and a check up with your doctor.

·         Other health benefits of thea include reduction of cardiovascular disease and good dental care.

·         Pregnant mothers should avoid the tea at all cost as it can lead to aborting the foetus. Nursing mothers too avoid drinking green tea during breast feeding period as it can have an undesirable effect of “jittery” on the growing baby via, the milk.

·         You can add lots of milk and sugar to loose green tea, but you may lost most of the natural goodness in the tea.

·         Green tea is always added to super foods and in the juice industry.

·         Adults should not take more than five cups of the beverage in a day because it can cause side effects of headache and sleeplessness.

·         Three small chops a day will do better for you to lose weight than three big ones with bodily exercise.

·         Combination of green tea with certain drugs is risky. Consult your doctor.
·         Green tea or EGCG now comes in differing packages of the same half or full of the same high grade. The higher the grade, the better the medicinal and nutrient content. A twenty-five percent and higher is good.

·         Some EGCG now comes with added flavor of lime, rose hip, pineapple, tangerine, etc. I only recommend pure green tea. You brew yours then cut and squeeze a lime or lemon into your tea. Any alkaline fruit will do. Those added flavors are nothing more than chemical additives. Adding real natural juice to the tea makes the combination work better in synergy.

Recommend reading

·         Green Tea For Weight Loss: by Carth Wong.

Readers are all welcome to ask questions on any issue that is not clear in their comments and I will respond to all issues.

How Effective And Safe Is Green Tea

On all indications, tea drinking is safe. Yet certain persons cannot tolerate the flavor and caffeine content. The effectiveness of the tea has been grouped under the following heading below. 

I am incline to opine that if a person can stand the tannin in a black , red tea or coffee,  I cannot see any reason why green tea should be much of a problem. Green tea has tannin too which could be much safer than in black tea.

The only issue I see is the bitter taste. Pinched a salt and slice a lemon or lime into the tea, and it tastes nicer.

To your good health!

Miebakagh57 (Miebakagh Fiberesima) Copy right 2014-2015.

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